Beastmen 7Th Edition Army Book Pdf

The army book for Beastmen for the 7th edition of the tabletop war game Warhammer Fantasy Battles. By laura2marx in Types > Instruction manuals, fantasy, and game. The Preyton and Chaos Trolls are kind of new;) Unlike the Bretonnia book, the Beastmen book already got a bunch of units included in their 7th ed update that the Bretonnians never had. As such, there was not as great a need for new Beastmen units. Oct 19, 2015 Beastmen 8th ed book out now! Update 24/10. I don't thing gnarled hide needs an increase but rather should stay at its 15 pts from the 7th ed Bestigor should have heavy armour idk he nerfed it they are the only troops with anything resembling an armour save in this book Monsters should never have a save really. Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Warhammer Armies - Wood Elves - 2014 - 8th Edition.
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Warhammer Fantasy 7th Edition Army Book
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